Friday, 31 May 2013

Week of May 31, 2013

Week of May 31, 2013

Attend OCE Discovery
Learn CoffeeScript
Modify Database Design and MySQL scripts
Planning actual Integration site

Friday, 24 May 2013

Week of May 21, 2013

Week of May 21, 2013

Made an alternative database script that uses a table and function to manually add pk to tables instead of using auto increment, also added a sample data script

Scripts used to generated MYSQL database, connect Netbean to database, everything works fine

Setting up development environment for BBB HTML5 project

Friday, 17 May 2013

Week of May 13

  • Under Chad’s guidance, the origin/master of SenecaCDOT-BigBlueButton/bigbluebutton is now fixed, we can build the BBB client from master now
  • Design update on the integration site ERD        
  • Updating the SQL script and converts it to work with MYSQL
  • Setting up development environment for the integration site
  • Setting up netbean IDE, making a HelloWeb site

 The link that offer tutorial on fixing master is at: 

Friday, 10 May 2013

Track Week May 6

Week of May 6
Installing VMware Player
Installing Ubuntu 10.0.4 64-bit
Installing BigBlueButton 8.1
Installing LibreOffice
Installing Ruby
Installing ffmpeg
Installing API Demos
Installing Development Environment
Setting up Github on Ubuntu
Building bigBlueButton Client (run into issue)
Creating SQL script for BBB Integration project
Updating ERD diagram for the BBB Integration DB
Setting up Eclipse, making hello world